Friday, May 3, 2013

First Fifty Dates!! Wow, what fun!!

When I saw 50 First Dates (, I thought WOW!! What fun it would be to relive that moment again and again and again!!The adrenaline rush one gets on the first date cannot be compared to anything you have experienced earlier.

Imagine if you can have the love of your life wooing you in different ways everyday, how much fun life would be? Would you ever need any other high in life? Most of the problems in relationships happen because we take each other foregranted and then the spice in life is all gone.

Everybody likes surprises and everybody needs to feel special.If you are made to feel special everyday, wont it be your dream life? After the initial chocolates, flowers, teddy bears and cards, the creativity will flourish. Its asking a little too much from the not so creative men, but no harm in dreaming.

Especially in India with all the TABOO attached to dates, its a big deal to go for dates. The small small cheesy cute things attached to dates are as much fun. Getting the right dress in which you look a little slimmer. The exact matching nailpaint and eye liner. The shoes to match your love interest's height. The perfect hair which will look brilliant but not parlour made. Then selecting the right gift which will show your interest but not the desperation in getting into a relationship.

The thought process attached is also very funny when you think of it after few years. Is he interested in me or I m just a casual friend for him? What would be he like? Table manners, etiquette, grooming? What will he dress like? What will we talk? Talking as friends is different, but now you have all those butterflies in the stomach, so now its going to be different! What if I dont like him? What excuse will I make? What will he gift me? Will he gift me at all? Hope I dont get pimples that day. Hope he is not those flirty types. Will we gel well? Hope he notices the trouble I have taken for him. But I should not look too much into him, else he will think high of himself. Ufffff,,, EXCITEMENT, ANXIETY, THRILL, FEAR all at once. You so want to meet him, but as the moment is nearing you get more and more nervous!

The dates dont turn out to be perfect always, so how wonderful it would be if we can repeat the whole process, the whole excitement over and over again for the rest of our life. And best if we can forget the previous day and start afresh. So, like the girl in "FIRST 50 DATES", it would be a new experience everyday. It is not only true for dates, its true for some friends as well. Sometimes when you meet the person, the circumstances, the external factors, the internal factors are not very conducive for your relationship. You might like or dislike person depending on the surroundings, your prejudice, your inhibitions, other persons behavior, appearance etc. Later after many years you realize, the person is not that bad or good as you thought at the first meeting. They become your best friends with time and sometimes your best friends become your worst mistakes of life. So if we have a chance of retakes, it would be wonderful!!

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda


  1. Yes,that's true..nothing beats the high of first date!Those butterflies in the stomach & nervousness,the waiting and everything else...having that every day of your life would sure be awesome!

  2. Thanks Rinaya, glad to have a person who thinks alike :)
